It has been a long time Winnemucca Nevada but I am coming back. I look forward to being your Headliner of the evening. I can’t wait to see you and the rest of the crew Friday Sept 8th at Winners Casino.
Featuring : Roman Guzman
stand up comedy
It has been a long time Winnemucca Nevada but I am coming back. I look forward to being your Headliner of the evening. I can’t wait to see you and the rest of the crew Friday Sept 8th at Winners Casino.
Featuring : Roman Guzman
Comedy show, Saturday, June 10th at Almost Famous Wine in Livermore.
Read MoreGreat people of Medford, Oregon
Tis I…. Your Headliner… Mike Betancourt
Two years ago the world changed in an instant.
Two years ago was the last time that I headlined Chadwicks in Medford
Well…this weakened… Jan 21st and 22nd, I am headlining Chadwick’s once more.
Come out and have fun with us!
Great people of Elko,
I am going to tell you a story on why this show means so much to me.
If you ever wondered how comedians get work, it’s simple, it’s through bookers, promoting and most importantly, through other comedians. 90% of work comes from other comedians who pass your name along to others.
No matter how big or small, the comedy community helps each other out.
So when I had this opportunity to Headline Elko for my first time last year, I was grateful but I just figured it would be another day in the office. But when I arrived to The Stage Door, it didn’t feel like another day in the office, it didn’t feel like the same stage, it didn’t feel like the same staff that gives you a free drink and it most certainly didn’t feel like the same laughter from the audience.
The Stage Door in Elko felt like I was home. There is something very special about that place and you can feel the love of comedy there.
Join me Elko, Oct 1st and 2nd 8pm at The Stage Door.
Host- Buc Seng: Elko Favorite
Featuring- Taylor Evans: Bay Area Rooster-T Comedy Competition and a Finalist in the Central Valley Comedy Competition.
And I will be Headlining this magical place because I am ready to feel right at home again.
Let us celebrate!
Click on STAGE DOOR for tickets now!
Sac Republic is now in Major League Soccer!
For 7 years they have been working towards this (NO PUN INTENDED) goal. Day in and day out they have been winning and structuring a team to build a huge community. Granted I have never been to a game but I have always heard amazing things about this team. And now I must become a fan which is why I am calling all Sac Republic fans to teach me everything about this team. Am I jumping on the bandwagon? Hell yea! But what great wagon to jump on.
Sac Republic becoming part of Major League Soccer is great for the youth. I already see kids everywhere playing soccer, having fun and not glued to their screens. Maybe soccer will finally get the respect it deserves in America like it does around the world.
It will get the respect it deserves but after what my friend told me, there might be a tiny setback. My friend got an email from the head coach of his kids soccer league with new rules. Are you ready for the new rules? Here. We . Go.
RULE # 1
Soccer Players are no longer allowed to warm up before games because they will be too tired to play.
Coaches are not allowed to yell at players during games and practices.
Stupid right? Don’t worry, I am way ahead of you because I already have my opinion about these rules in this weeks episode of Me, Mikeself and I.
Click here to listen to Episode Ochenta Dos: Shh, don’t yell.
And finally, I will be Headlining in Modesto this Friday October 25th.
Click here for Tickets: Comedy At The Post
And those were your Mikenouncements